
Showing posts from February, 2023

Transportation last week and today

 This week we introduced the theme "Transportation". We LOVE all  vehicles, what fun we've had! This may be our favorite theme yet!! Question of the day-"How did you get to school today?" (car, bus, SUV, bike, van, etc) Brainstorming ideas about transportation. What do the fish friends know (especially about vehicles on the road)  " ABC Drive " showed us lot of diverse vehicles and signs on the road: stop sign, dump trucks, do not enter, yield, etc Journals: What kind of car do you have at home?  Matching the correct number of blocks to the number on the truck.  Ramp designs, counting, color by number, sorting and patterning were some of the fun activities we completed. We sorted which vehicles drive on land, fly in the sky, or drive on the water. Centers with Eagles We got the meet Banana, the sweet snake Friday!  Transportation Sorters  Does it go on land, water or in the sky?  We looked at cars, vans and SUVs (even saw a convertible and a jeep onThu