
Showing posts from November, 2022

Welcome to the Fish Room Bakery

 This week we started the theme "Bakery". We watched sequencing videos how we set up our bakery and then also took turns being the baker and the customer. The steps of playing bakery are very important. We discussed what items are sold at the bakery (baked goods), who touches the baked goods, how we say hello and welcome to the bakery, listen and get what the customer asks for, they pay and we bag the items in a bag.  We worked really hard tracing our names and lines slowly. Staying on the line and taking our time is crucial in handwriting.  We sorted baked goods by color then discussed who had more and who had less.  WELCOME TO THE FISH ROOM BAKERY! We took turns being the customer and placing an order or the baker and taking the order. We ordered from the menu and display case. Second Steps: We are practicing identifying feelings of friends and others. We discussed looking at facial cues such as eyes rising, mouth, and the way our friends are acting. During the next couple


 Happy Thanksgiving! We made pumpkin pie and tasted it! We talked through how to follow a recipe and followed the steps.  Don't forget the measuring spoons and cups when baking!! The Eagles came to the Fish room for centers. We called and invited our friends and family to the house for a feast. We had turkey, corn, pumpkin pie, cranberries, and of course green bean casserole. What is missing on our turkeys? FEATHERS!  We had to tell Ms. Anna the size and color of feather we wanted to put on our turkey (Double adjective practice). Dino O'Dell came to visit today. We had a great time singing, dancing, and tapping along with his stories and songs. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAIGHAN AND HENRY!!