
Showing posts from December, 2022

Happy Holidays!

We had a fun 2 days of holiday cutting, name sorting,   Making our Christmas lists! Lots of games, monster trucks, and art supplies! Scissor practice when making Christmas light headbands!  Question of the day! We practice asking our friends and teachers questions each week. Department gift exchange! We each made homemade gifts for a friend in the Dinos, Bluebirds, or Elephant classrooms. We then exchanged gifts. So many smiles! Holiday patterning: ABAB, ABBA, ABC patterns Holiday party: We made reindeer trail mix and had a snack party. We then transitioned to the game room where we played pass the present (like musical chairs) and had a holiday dance party. Following games we made a Christmas tree sticker craft (THANK YOU FISH ROOM PARENTS) and made reindeer feed. It was a fun time had by all! HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE FISH TEACHERS! 

Holiday theme Th/Friday

 Hello, we are wrapping up the theme of "Holidays".  Monday is our gift exchange, Tuesday is our Holiday party and Wednesday is a early release day, we will dismiss at 11:30am.  We worked on "between, above, beside, and below this week". Each fish friend took turns asking the other classes "how many friends are in your class?" then we gave them that many candy canes! This was great for social language and correction strategies (ex. if a student couldn't hear or didn't respond) SECOND STEPS: We have been talking about mad, angry, or frustrated this week. We talked about what this emotion looks like, feels like, and some things to do if you feel this way. Cube towers  Cookie Cutter Art  Cinnamon Dough: We worked together to follow a recipe and mix the ingredients. We used cookie sprinkles to make letters.  D, F, J letter sound trees. We listened for beginning sounds. SHOW-N-TELL: Kyler brought a football and Taighan brought a owl "What is missin