Monday and Tuesday-Friendship!

F is for friendship. This week we introduced the theme "Friends". We discussed how we can ask to play with friends, how we can check on our friends if they're sad, mad, or hurt, and talked about being a good friend. "Can I Play Too?" was a good book that helped us learn how we can play with others. 

The question of the day was "What is your favorite center?" Painting, blocks, cars and baby dolls were some of our favorites! We are trying to learn a little bit about ourselves to prepare for when the Eagle friends come to play during centers.

We brainstormed how we can be good friends: examples are: sharing toys, helping clean up, checking on a hurt friend, and using nice words.

We also made ourselves out of cut outs for our friendship wall. 

JOURNALS: We drew our favorite foods. 

Dancing is a fun movement break! 

How many letters are in your name? We counted the letters in our name then colored to the correct number on the graph.  We are talking about who has the longest name vs the shortest name. 

The water table in the big room is definitely the most fun! 

In centers we played with baby dolls and in the house keeping. 

"The Rainbow Fish" was the book we read about being a good friend, sharing, and sticking together. We also practiced rhyming words.

In gym, we rode in the wagon, played basketball and bounced balls. We also climbed the mountain.

Zoo animals, friendship paintings, and magna tiles were fun centers. 

MATH: We sorted ice cream scoops and then counted the correct number of scoops for the # on the cone. We are practicing one-to-one correspondence.

School buses was our following directions activity. We used the words: first, then, next, and last/at the end to sequence the steps and follow directions. 

The question of the day was "What color house do you want to live in?" We had to use the sentence "I want to live in the _______ house." We learned a new song: Choo Choo up the railroad track

We're still practicing our puzzle skills and finding the corners and edges.

We reviewed "The Rainbow Fish" and rhyming words this afternoon.

Have a wonderful eveing!


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