Body and germs!

 Hand washing sequencing: We talked about and sequenced the appropriate way to wash our hands. We used sequencing words to put the details in order: 1. get soap 2. scrub our hands 3. rinse 4. dry our hands 

GERM EXPERIMENT WITH NURSE SARAH: We put pretend germs on our hands and had to use good hand washing skills to get the germs off. Nurse Sarah talked about all the times we should wash our hands: after using the bathroom, before and after we eat, when petting animals, after touching money, etc

ART: Chinese lanterns, fans, and collages to celebrate the lunar new year.

SHOW-N-TELL: Ky brought a microphone and Taighan brought homemade earmuffs/headphones! 

It's the last Friday of January! 

Zingo! It was game day! We had to look and listen to be able to fill our Zingo cards.


Acting out "Little Ride Riding Hood

Recess time! Ice, bikes, & spinner fun! 


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