Science Week

 Today we started the theme "Science", we had a lot of fun exploring textures this morning. "How does it feel?" We had to use a variety of words to describe what we felt. Wet, bouncy, spiky, sharp, dry, smooth, bumpy, soft, and hard were some words we used. 

"What is your favorite color?"

"Mouse Paint" The mice were in trouble and started mixing colors. Ask me what happens when you mix primary colors.
Mixing mouse paint colors and creating colorful art work!

Working in pairs to find shape matches. In kindergarten, we will have different groups: large group, small group, partners, and individual. We are practicing for all of those.

Recess! We love our new soccer balls

Making words

Circle time mixing colors. We talked about what happens when you mix primary and secondary colors 

Carination Flower experiment 

Pastel Paintings

Cars and Ramp

"Pete The Cat: I Love My White Shoes

Primary Colors painting

Primary Color Counting

Gym time fun with the Eagles

Tracing bodies

Shamrock Patchwork like Elmer

Colorful Shape names and rainbows

Centers with the Eagles- dinos is their theme. We made fossils, played in dino land and explored a volcano in a jeep with binoculars.


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