Farm 4/21

Hello, happy Friday! This week we finished the theme "Farm". We had a lot of fun making different farm animals, learning about what we can get from the farm (eggs, milk, wool, etc) and doing Farm animal crafts. Recess, music, art and time with friends was also a lot fun! 

We counted play-doh pieces, sorted animals by size and color, matched mommy animals to their babies, and talked about "being patient" in second steps. We counted farm animals and clipped the correct number. 

Farm Animal patterns

Show -n- tell 

We read "The Mixed Up Chameleon" and made our own chameleons. 

Puppies came to do centers

Marble Tower

Making pancakes with the pancake book

Dancing and acting like frogs

"3 Billy Goats Gruff" book and steam activity 

"Funny Farm" book 

Today is Friday! Calendar and songs

Making earths.
We discussed how land and water make up the earth and how we can help the earth. 
(Ei: turn off lights, water, pick up trash and recycle!)

Clip and count numbers, animal matching, farm animal sorting 

Cow craft -we had to follow directions to make our cows. 

Writing Numbers: We counted the farm animals and had to write the correct number. 


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